Past & Current Issues are information restricted to VSoE faculty members and are stored in USC’s Office 365 OneDrive. This is a secure location that requires your ITS username and password (shibboleth). After you follow the link below, you will be taken to a Microsoft login screen (since Office 365 is a Microsoft product), unless you are already logged into USC Office 365 on your current browser. Please follow the login instructions on-screen to arrive at the protected Past & Current Issues folder. In it, you will find pdf files for the resolutions. Please note that if you are looking for a resolution file from 2007 or older, such are all contained in the Past & Current Issues 1995 – 2009.pdf file.
Enter Past & Current Issues Folder
EFC Clearinghouse on University services
Please follow the link below to access the EFC Clearinghouse on University services.
The goal of this site is to provide a mechanism for improving University services by collecting stories, compliments, suggestions, complaints and anything else you think might help improve things. The EFC will collect these and pass them on verbatim to the leadership of the various organizations and ask for their response.
We will of course keep your comments confidential, but the more specific you can be the more helpful the comments. In fact, if you feel comfortable, we encourage you to sign your name so that you can be contacted by the EFC for more information if necessary.